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Addressing Inclusion in a Time of Divisiveness: An Introduction to leading the Exploration of Privilege.
Facilitated by Dr. Frederick Peterson *Sign up is required as space is limited Psychologists are in key positions to lead constructive self-exploration of one's privilege and intersectionality, which can enhance personal satisfaction and organizational health. The purpose of the course is for self-examination regarding one’s own privilege as well as how to lead others to build conversational skills across intersections of different forms of privilege. The workshop has evolved from several versions of self-study programs for exploration of white privilege, yet all interested professionals are welcome to attend. The authors based their approach on the premises that privilege is a real phenomenon and that we are not bad people because we have biases, yet we fail ourselves and others when we do not acknowledge our biases and allow them to be put into action. OBJECTIVES 1. Participants will be able to describe what privilege means in one's life and how it bestows unearned advantages to some at the cost to others without such privilege. 2. Participants will be able to strengthen emotional and communicative skill sets related to talking about privilege. 3. Participants will be able to make a plan for behavioral changes that resist compliancy of the inaction inherent in different forms of privilege. AGENDA 0900 Welcome, Overview & Objectives, & Guidelines of Workshop 0915 Privilege – What is it and Owning Your Own Some History Not Often Taught 0945 What does Whiteness mean? 1000 Break-Out Groups #1 1015 Regroup & Summary Reports 1030 BREAK (15 minutes) 1045 Implicit Bias and Blind Spots 1115 Models of Activating Cultural Responsiveness 1145 Challenging and Changing the Comfort Zone 1200 LUNCH (One hour) 1300 Break Out Groups #2 1330 Regroup & Summary Reports 1345 What to do? What to do? 1400 Sharpening Yourself as a Consulting Tool 1430 BREAK (15 minutes) 1445 Models of Healing & Recovery 1515 Personal Values as a Consulting Psychologist 1545 Designing a Value-Aligned, Socially Responsive Privilege Plan 1630 Q and A Discussion 1645 Evaluation and Conclusion 1700 End of Workshop The Society of Psychologists in Leadership (“SPL”) is approved by the American Psychological
Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. SPL maintains responsibility for this program and its content.” The Administrator of Continuing Education for the Society of Psychologists in Leadership ("SPL"), has reviewed this presentation and determined that there is no conflict of interest or commercial support involved with said presentation. Questions or concerns should be directed to the SPL Continuing Education Committee [email protected]